Mobile Optimized Americans are spending less time with most major media, with one major exception: smartphones. In 2018, adults will still dedicate more time per day to TV—nearly 3 hours, 50 minutes—than to any other medium, but TV time is shrinking, down from 4 hours, 37 minutes in 2012. Mobile time will increase to 3 hours, 35 minutes in 2018,
7 Epic Inbound Marketing Resources Every Business Can Learn From I like to think of inbound marketing as the true charmer of digital marketing. But before you become horrified and start imagining broken promises and angry customers left disillusioned and disappointed, let me explain a little further…Inbound marketing delivers on its promises. It helps businesses understand what people want, need
10 Hot Digital Marketing Terms You Need to Know in 2018 Have you considered adding the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to your inbound marketing campaigns? Are you calculating keyword proximity to boost your SEO results? Have you leveraged the power of lookalike audiences on Facebook’s advertising platform? Are you optimizing your AdWords rating by working to boost your Quality
Six Tips for a Successful SMS Marketing Campaign Here’s a massive statistic: 8.6 Trillion text messages are sent every year on average. 6 Billion per day in the US alone. That’s over 20 times the number of Tweets and 12 times the number of Facebook messages sent daily. With all the messaging going on, it’s no wonder marketing teams are finding SMS marketing to be extremely
The Importance of Video Marketing in 2018 Every year, it seems like video is poised to become the next big marketing tactic to pull off record engagement on social media and conversions across various digital outposts: newsletters, landing pages, blogs, etc. Truth be told, video is ALREADY a big thing and if you haven’t embraced it by now then you
Keyword Optimization: Why Optimizing for the Right Keywords is ‘Do or Die’ Keyword optimization (also known as keyword research) is the act of researching, analyzing and selecting the best keywords to target to drive qualified traffic from search engines to your website. Keyword search optimization is a critical step in initial stages of search engine marketing, for both paid and organic
5 Compelling Benefits of Video Marketing In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s critical to find new, unique ways to make your product or service stand out in the crowd of marketers vying for your prospect’s attention. Video marketing is nothing new, but it’s certainly proving to be a powerful, effective part of marketing strategy—now more than ever. Who hasn’t
5 marketing technology trends CMOs need to master for 2018 As we enter into 2018, columnist Jim Yu lays out five martech trends you’ll need to monitor to lead your organization to success in the year ahead. As you put together your marketing strategy for 2018, there have never been more tools and tactics fighting for your budget. Technologies considered
These 9 SEO Tips Are All You’ll Ever Need to Rank in Google Entrepreneurs hoping for strong SEO (search engine optimization) rankings might take a lesson here. They can create a checklist of their own to make sure everything is perfect for their next website article. No, an SEO checklist won’t protect you from crashing and burning. But it will help ensure that your
14 Essential Tips for an Engaging Facebook Business Page Whether you’re setting up a brand new Facebook Page for your brand, or you just want to make the most of your existing one, it’s probably a smart move — Facebook is home to nearly 2 billion monthly active users. It should be easy enough, right? Just slap together a photo,